Racial Justice

Lessons from Stuart Hall on the Crisis of Mass Incarceration

In an advanced capitalist liberal democracy juridical practices are intertwined with economic, political and ideological foundations of society. Jurisprudence both reflects and reinforces hegemonic power relations. And those power relations are established around honoring and protecting property rights, above all else.

Cell Blocks and Border Stops: Symposium Preview

On October 17, 200 organizers, scholars, theologians, ministers, cultural workers and community leaders will gather at the Union Theological Seminary for a symposium on the shared roots of two moral crises: mass incarceration and mass detention/deportations.

Blood at the Root

Stand-Your-Ground (SYG) Meets "Law and Order." 

"It's Time to Finish the Reconstruction"

In the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Voting Rights Act, I've been sifting through a sea of commentary, looking for a way to distill and contextualize various responses to this tragically regressive ruling. This morning, I found what I think is the most trenchant analysis, from Makani Themba of the Praxis Project, who posted the following on Facebook. It is well worth circulating broadly and widely:

Race, Power and Policy: Dismantling Structural Racism

As part of GPP’s project on race and the political economy, we have teamed up with colleagues at NPA and elsewhere to develop curriculum materials. This sample workbook brings together excerpts from five training modules, including guidelines for developing policies that address structural racism and its effects.

A Structural Analysis of Oppression

Inspired by Iris Marion Young, we developed this summary of the five mechanisms of structural oppression in society. These mechanisms intersect with race, class and gender, creating both shared and varied experiences with oppressive conditions in society.

American Democracy and Black Activism

By focusing on examples of African American organizing efforts to gain economic and political power, this paper explores historic contests about the meanings of freedom and equality, and the role of government in creating conditions for equality. Our history tour highlights the role race has played in shaping our political economy.